Monday, September 14, 2009

Go Away Stomach Bug!!

Well, we made it 7 months without MA getting sick! I think that is pretty good considering she has two siblings who are constantly kissing her, touching her mouth and spreading germs. Last night around 11:00 I heard her hiccuping really loud. I got her up, and thought that she wanted a bottle to make her hiccups go away. I proceeded to feed her a bottle, and as soon as I got finished feeding her she started throwing up. So, then I did all the necessary things....change her clothes, my clothes etc. Then, all of a sudden she was so happy!!! I thought she is not sick, maybe her hiccups got her choked and that is why she threw up. So, I played with her for about an hour. Then around 12:45 I decided to try and feed her again. BIG MISTAKE!!!! She was for sure sick! MA threw up that bottle too!! At 1:00 AM Tanner went to Walmart to pick up some pedialyte. I fed her some out of a dropper like a little bird. She didn't care for that gross stuff! Then, she was so happy again!! We laid in the bed and played with her for at least an hour. She was giggling, smiling and being the cutest thing you have ever seen!!! Around 3AM she fell asleep. She woke up this morning fine. I gave her pedialyte until noon, and then started her back on bottles. She had a long day today!! At 6:15 she was asleep, and I haven't heard a peep out of her. Hopefully, she will feel 100% better tomorrow!! I am praying that we don't all get the virus! Oh, and after months of drooling and eating my face....SHE GOT HER FIRST TOOTH!!! WOW!! She is growing up so fast! I love my little chubby baby girl! I am exhausted after not getting sleep last night!! Goodnight!


  1. Bless your heart! Hope she is on the road to recovery and those germs flee your home! Love your Blog!

  2. wow, what a night for you guys! Hope you are able to get some rest tonight and no one is sick. The pics are very cute, though.
