Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday Taylor!

WOW!! How does this happen so fast?! In six years my first born baby has grown into a little boy. I thank God everyday for giving me this amazing little boy that continues to bless my life everyday! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing home this sweet baby from the hospital, and in a blink of an eye he is grown. We do not need to take for granted every smile and tear that children bring to us. It is truly the greatest blessing in life to be a parent. It is the most rewarding job! Thank you God for blessing me with three beautiful children!!

I went to eat lunch with Taylor at OMES for the first time. I could not wait for Taylor to show me how to go through the lunch line, and see what the food tasted like. Madison joined us for lunch. She lives in the neighborhood and rides the bus with taylor. I have to say that Madison seemed happier to see me that Taylor. Taylor said..hey mom..when he saw me. Madison was jumping up and down and hugging me. I guess that can be the difference between a boy and a girl :) I was quite impressed with how organzied and clean the lunchroom was, but I have to say the food made me gag.... It was so much fun visiting Taylor for lunch!!
The girls were ready to celebrate when Taylor got home from school! He could not wait to open his presents. We got him a big castle that makes noises, a pokemon playset and a iphone. It was time for me to get a upgrade, so we gave Taylor my old phone. He likes to watch movies and play games. No, it is not activated :) The iphone was his favorite present!

Taylor decided he wanted Tanner and I to take him to the fair with no sisters! So, that is what we did. Susan and Gary came over to keep the girls and we took the birthday boy to the fair. Oh, the fair...why must all of your rides spin? I had not been to the fair since I was a little girl, and it was just how I remembered it. In fact, I think they may still have some of the same rides. Thank goodness we made it home safe! Taylor loved the games more than the rides. We played lots of fishing games, water racing games, pop the ballon games.........etc. Taylor's favorite ride was the ferris wheel and the swings. Those were my favorite too! We left the fair with 4 goldfish (we let them go in a lake), 4 stuffed animals, a horn and a picture with Bobo the monkey. Taylor had a great time! Tanner and I were sick from riding all of the rides that spin in circles, but Taylor said it was his best birthday ever! I'll take feeling sick for my little dude. I think we could have gone to Disney World for the day for the same price as the state fair :)
On Saturday the family came over to celebrate Taylor's birthday. He wanted to have an Auburn party during the game. I tried to get a picture of all of three kids together, but it is almost impossible!

Taylor got so many great gifts for his birthday! Bella was mad that these were not her presents! Taylor loves his new Rockband game! Thanks to everyone for going out of your way to make Taylor's birthday special.

Friday, September 25, 2009

A visit to see Tinkerbell at Rick and Bubba

The day started by getting Bella ready for school. This is day 8 of CASA. Today was froggy day for Bella's class. They ordered pizza, and got to do lots of fun things. She had to wear this cute little froggy shirt that was 4 sizes to big, so we had to bring back some 80's style by tying her shirt up on the side. I have to say that she did look adorable. You can see the big smile on her face in car pool today. That is a major change from the tears that I usually see. She did not cry at all getting out of the car today!! Praise God!! She is coming to love school, and says she has a friend named Mary Grace. Hopefully, this will be a pattern of her being happy to go to school.

After we dropped Bella off at school, MA and I headed to the Rick and Bubba radio station to visit Kacie. She is doing her internship there, and seems to love it! Kacie's on air radio name is Tinkerbell. She has actually been on the radio quite a bit, so ya'll should tune in and listen to her. The radio station was really nice. Rick and Bubba were so sweet! They loved little MA! She actually received kisses from both Rick and Bubba. Thanks Kacie for letting us come visit.

Next, MA and I headed to the Fox 6 news sation to pick up the free tickets I won to the fair!! I never win anything, so I was so excited. I entered the contest online and won!! WHOO HOO! Taylor wanted to go to the fair for his birthday and now it will be a little cheaper.

We went to have lunch at the Summit with Kacie and Emily at Zoe's. At this point MA is exhausted. One of the pluses to my sweet third child is that she will sleep anywhere. She slept through lunch, and had a nice stroll around the Summit.

MA tried peas and loved them!! She sits with her mouth open now ready to eat! She is getting really good at opening her mouth for the spoon. She also got her second tooth!! Now she has her two bottom teeth. They are really sharp!! Avoid letting her chew on you hand because it really hurts now! It was a busy fun day!! I am looking forward to celebrating Taylor's 6th Birthday this weekend!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Flu Shots are no Fun!!

Today I had to take all of the kids to get flu SHOTS! Yuck!! Thank goodness my could go with me to take the kids to the doctor. I was well aware that I would for sure have two crying little girls that both wanted to be held. Luckily, Taylor was so brave!! He did not cry at all! Bella and MA on the other hand were not so brave. The entire time we were in the office Bella kept saying..ME NO LIKE A OOH SHOT!! After a short wait it was time to go back. The nurse took us to the room, and said you are here for the S-H-O-T-S. She spelled it out and immediately Bella was in melt down mode! I was holding her, so they gave her the shot first in her arm. She screamed bloody murder until we left and she ate her sucker. Then they did me. It really did not hurt that bad, but my arm is a little sore. Taylor was next. He just closed his eyes and did not have a tear!! Last, but not least was MA. She got the shot in her chubby little leg!! She screamed too!! Everyone was aware that the "Bush Babies" were in the office. I am praying these shots will protect us from the flu this season!!

MA ate squash tonight! She thought it was delicious!! So far she likes sweet potatoes and squash. Hope this rain will stop soon! Everyone have a wonderful week!!

My little Star Student!

This is a very special week for Taylor in Kindergarten. He is star student of the week, and it is his birthday on Friday! We spent a lot of time on Sunday getting all of Taylor's school stuff together for being star student. We had to make a poster that was all about him. This was very challenging because Taylor had to help me do everything, but I still wanted it to be pretty!! He did a great job on his poster!!

Here are a few other things he got to bring to school this week:
favorite toy - a star wars figure
favorite book-the animal alphabet book
5 pictures of his family
something to put in the guessing box-a snake ( it had to do with the letter S)

I am so proud of Taylor for being a smart, well behaved and loving kindergartner!! I hope little dude has a great week at school, and feels special!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

War Eagle!

Saturday was such a busy day. We started off the day by taking a morning trip to Walmart. We didn't get anything exciting, but Taylor spent some of his allowance money. We came back home, and headed to visit Mimi and go to the western warehouse sale. I was also looking for Bella a new auburn cheerleading outfit because hers from last year does not fit anymore. MA had on Bella's old cheerleader outfit so Bella was trying to pull it off of her! She was not happy about this. I was determined not to come home without a new cheerleading outfit. Thank goodness I ended up finding a cute one at steinmart. I need to thank my mom so much!! She bought Bella's cheerleader outfit, and all of my meat at the western sale. What a blessing!! For those of you who don't know about this sale it is awesome!! They have the best meat sale ever. I came home with 10 pounds of ground chuck, 6 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breast, 2 eye of the round roasts, pork chops, paper towels and so much more!! I am stocked up on meat. I should not have to buy any meat for 4 months. YAY!

As soon as we got home it was time to get ready for the Auburn game. MA went to sleep at 6:15, so she missed all of the game :( Bella spent most of her time playing with Kacie downstairs in the playroom. I was so excited about Bella's new outfit to wear!! Guess What?! She would not put it on! She was in rare form! I think the little girl was really tired!! We had a good crowd at my house cheering on the Auburn Tigers. Kacie, Emily, Jillian, Felicia, Eric, Mom, Dad, Gary and Susan all joined us in cheering on the Auburn Tigers. It was a great game. The tigers pulled off a 41-30 victory over west Virginia last night! War Eagle! Thank goodness we won!!

MA tried sweet potatoes!! She loved them!! She ate the entire jar. Emily loves feeding MA! She is always asking to feed her, and wanting her to eat all of the time!! Thanks Emmy! MA loves you so much!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

This week has been so rainy! It has been somewhat boring! I am ready to see some sunshine, and feel the fall weather. Today we did a whole lot of NOTHING! Kacie and Emily came over. We played tea part, watched Dora, colored and hung out around the house. Taylor was a car rider today at school for the first time ever. Tanner took him to school this morning. When Tanner was dropping Taylor off a lady in a mini van honked at him. Of course, Tanner was mad someone was honking at him when he was trying to tell Taylor bye.

Bella had her fourth day of school. She was still upset to go to school, but she did not throw up! Her teachers say she is doing great!! She got a happy face as her mood today instead of content! I hope she grows to love CASA, and the friends in her class.
Taylor had his first soccer game of the season tonight! Gary and Susan came to the game! I was so happy they came to help with the girls, and watch Taylor play! Thanks so much for coming!! The gold knights pulled out a 12-5 win tonight! Taylor played awesome, and Tanner was a great coach! The fields were so muddy! I stepped in mud, and my tennis shoes were so muddy! My socks were even wet! Bella had muddy feet too!! She wanted me to hold her, so then my shorts got muddy! We were all so dirty! Susan got her flip flop stuck in mud, so she was muddy too! Taylor played great defense tonight!! He did not score any goals, but didn't let the other team score. As soon as the game was over the bottom fell out! It was pouring. Tanner was running with Bella. Susan was running with Taylor. Gary pushed the stroller with MA. Bella loved getting wet. MA hated getting wet!! She was screaming!! I am looking forward to watching Taylor play this season!! Hope everyone has a great weekend! Lauren, we hope you feel better soon!! Poor Lauren has the flu :(